This new Malware family is up to no good: A very clever malware designed with 3...
Hi, I'm JAY.
A Software Developer and a never ending learner.
John Johnson Okah is an enthusiastic Software Developer. He loves solving computational problems and has been doing it for quite a while (since 2017). John believes that he needs to contribute ‘a whole lot’ to humanity, it’s his way of saying “thank you for letting me in”. To sum him all up, he is one who always tend to stay curious & creative in every aspect of life.
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Tor - the dark web driver
The Dark Web could be a very scary but fun place to be (just like earth), where everyone go around...
WHAT IS THE __MACOSX FOLDER | The stranger you see in your extracted zip folder.
To put simply, the __MACOSX folder is a resource fuck, oh sorry, a resource fork. This folder is...
Live by the Rules, but don't Die by the Rules
As developers, I believe we all have to set our priorities right. Let me start with a short story ab...